Meet our collaborators

Alexandru Szakacs

Senior Researcher at the Institute of Geodynamics "Sabba S. Stefanescu", Romanian Academy (Romania)

Alexandru's research focuses on Neogene volcanic areas, general issues of earthquake prediction and mofetta research.

Carlo Cardellini

Professor of Geochemistry and Volcanology at University of Perugia, Department of Physics and Geology (Italy)

Carlo is specialised in fluid geochemistry with a focus on the deep carbon dioxide degassing in tectonically active, volcanic and geothermal environments.

Csaba Szabo

Founding Member of the Lithosphere Fluid Research Lab (LRG), Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, Eotvos Lorand University (ELTE), Hungary

Csaba works on geochemical processes and physical state of the lithosphere, upper mantle xenoliths, fluid inclusions and radon in our environment.

Dario Tedesco

Professor of Geochemistry and Volcanology at the Department of Environment, Biology and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology of the Campania University "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Italy) and affiliated with United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the DR Congo (MONUSCO), Democratic Republic of the Congo

Dario is working in volcanic and crustal areas, to better understand dynamics and origin of fluids, understanding how volcanoes work and finally starting new monitoring strategies.

Donato Giovannelli

Professor of microbiology at the Department of Biology University of Naples "Federico II" (Italy), Marine Chemistry & Geochemistry Department at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (MA, USA), affilited scientist at the Earth and Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) and head of the Giovannelli Lab.

Donato's research aims to explore and understand the emergence and evolution of life and the co-evolution of the Geosphere and the Biosphere.

Fatima Viveiros

Associate Professor at the University of the Azores (Portugal) and Researcher at the Research Institute for Volcanology and Risks Assessment (IVAR)

Fatima focuses her research on volcanic gases, mainly on hydrothermal environments and diffuse degassing areas.

Franco Tassi

Professor of Geochemistry and Volcanology at the University of Florence (Italy), and responsible of the Fluid Geochemistry Laboratory of the Department of Earth Sciences in Florence.

Franco is a specialist in geochemical volcano monitoring, geothermal prospection and environmental geochemistry.

Istvan Janos Kovacs

Scientific Advisor at HUN-REN Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science (EPSS), Hungary

Istvan's main interest is in volatiles in the Earth's interior and their role in earthquakes and climate change, evolution of the lithosphere/asthenosphere system, mantle processes and geodynamics.

Laszlo Palcsu

Senior Researcher at the Isotope Climatology and Environmental Research Centre (ICER), HUN-REN Institute for Nuclear Research (ATOMKI), Hungary

Laszlo's work focuses on isotope hydrology, cosmogenic tritium in the atmosphere, isotope geochemistry and palaeoclimate.

Lee Florea

Earth Resource Program Manager, Department of Natural Resources, Washington State Geological Survey (WA USA)

Lee's research is on speleogenesis, groundwater hydrogeology, glacio-volcanic caves, sulfur systematics and isotope geochemistry.

Pedro Hernandez

Senior Researcher at the Volcanological Institute of the Canary Islands (INVOLCAN) of the Institute for Technology and Renewable Energy (ITER)

Pedro specializes in fluid geochemistry of natural systems, carring out research activities in volcano-geothermal systems.

Sabin Zahirovici

Researcher at the University of Sydney's, Faculty of Science, School of Geoscience (Australia)

Sabin develops numerical and open access community models of our planet, focusing on the deep-time evolution of plate tectonics, geodynamics, landscape evolution, paleogeography, and planetary habitability.

Serban Sarbu

Adjunct Faculty at Department of Biological Sciences, California State University, Chico (CA USA) and Lead Researcher of Group for Underwater and Speleological Exploration (GESS)

Serban has extensive knowledge in the field of cave science, subterranean food-web analysis and in the study of sulfidic underground ecosystems.

Sergio Calabrese

Professor of Geochemistry and Volcanology at the Department of Earth and Marine Sciences, University of Palermo (Italy)

Sergio is specialised in the geochemistry of fluids in volcanic environments, with a focus on the origin, transport and fate of trace elements.

Stefano Fazi

Resarch Director at the Water Research Institute, National Research Council of Italy (IRSA-CNR)

Stefano's research in the field of microbial ecology focuses on biogeochemical cycles across diverse aquatic environments, with particular emphasis on the role of microorganisms in extreme ecosystems.

Tobias Fischer

Distinguished Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at the University of New Mexico, in Albuquerque (NM USA)

Tobias's interest is gas geochemistry of active volcanic, hydrothermal and tectonic systems.

Traian Brad

Senior Researcher at the "Emil Racovita" Institute of Speleology (ISER) Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

Traian is a biospleleologist with expertise in cave and groundwater ecology and microbiology.

Walter D'Alessandro

Senior Researcher at the Section of Palermo of the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV)

Walters main research field is fluid geochemistry applied to the study of volcanic and seismically active areas and to the environmental issues.