The Transylvanian Geochemistry Research Group in the media

Follow our hashtag #transylvaniangeochem on Instagram to stay updated on our work and activities!

Here some highligts of our media appearances and some of our outreach events of the group and team members.

  • Interview about the first Etna volcano experince in Kronika newspaper: “Lelegzetelallito het az Etnan” (in Hungarian) - appered im August 2016

  • Interview about the 1st Etna International Training School of Geochemistry at “Nyitott Szemmel” entitled “Etnalogia” conversation evening with Laczko Vass Robert - 2016.10.27

  • Field report on the expedition “Discovering the Carpathian Volcanism (“Investigating the Origins of Carbon degassing in Romania”) on te Deep Carbon Observatory website news section, 22.10.2018

  • Appered in the Slovenian Geologic Surveys (“Geoloski zavod Slovenije”), websites news section (in Slovenian), 04.06.2019

  • A notice on our sampling in the Triglav National Park which is published in the official journal of the Park, “Acta Triglavensia” (in Slovenian), December 2019.

  • Report in Geo Magazine “Vorstoß ins Innere eines Vulkans” (Advance into the interior of a volcano in German) - appered in January 2022

  • Volcanic Glacier” Short movie of the Mount Saint Helens expedition, and some extra scenes thanks to Jason Nelson (Visual Adventures)