The Transylvanian Geochemistry Research Group in the media
Follow our hashtag #transylvaniangeochem on Instagram to stay updated on our work and activities!
Here some highligts of our media appearances and some of our outreach events of the group and team members.
Interview about the first Etna volcano experince in Kronika newspaper: “Lelegzetelallito het az Etnan” (in Hungarian) - appered im August 2016
Interview about the 1st Etna International Training School of Geochemistry at “Nyitott Szemmel” entitled “Etnalogia” conversation evening with Laczko Vass Robert - 2016.10.27
Field report on the expedition “Discovering the Carpathian Volcanism (“Investigating the Origins of Carbon degassing in Romania”) on te Deep Carbon Observatory website news section, 22.10.2018
Appered in the Slovenian Geologic Surveys (“Geoloski zavod Slovenije”), websites news section (in Slovenian), 04.06.2019
A notice on our sampling in the Triglav National Park which is published in the official journal of the Park, “Acta Triglavensia” (in Slovenian), December 2019.
Report in Geo Magazine “Vorstoß ins Innere eines Vulkans” (Advance into the interior of a volcano in German) - appered in January 2022
“Volcanic Glacier” Short movie of the Mount Saint Helens expedition, and some extra scenes thanks to Jason Nelson (Visual Adventures)
Television apperence of the 11th IAVCEI Volcanic Lakes workshop on RTP, “Lagos Vulcanicos. Investigadores internacionais em Sao Miguel” in Portugal.
Review movie on the “11th IAVCEI_CVL” workshop on volcanic lakes
- Newspaper article about the first IAVCEI CCVG-CVL joint workshop, in Kronika, with the title “A kutatasok es termeszetvedelmi intezkedesek segitenek a Szent Anna-tavat jo allapotban atadni a kovetkezo generacioknak” in Hungarian