The Transylvanian Geochemsitry Research Group’s scientific and technical products
Ricardo Sanchez-Murillo R., Ortega L., Vreca P., Zagar K., Shrestha S., Kgotlaebonywe C., Esquivel-Hernandez G., Birkel C., Mosquera G.M., Crespo P., Zhina D.X., Persoiu A., Feher R., Ionescu A., Shakya B.M., Mallas R., Bissassa M., Bellarbi M., Qurtobi M., Sanyal P., Ajay A., Kebede S., Bowen G.J., Heliel J.F., Pinti D., Barbecot F., Shrestha S., Marchesi M., Van Ropyen J., Miller J. (2024). Tracing Urban Drinking Water Sources: Global State of the Art and Insights From an IAEA-Coordinated Research Project. Hydrological precesses 38(10), e15312.
Lamberti M.C., Sierra D., Cardellini C., Viveiros F., Vasconez Muller F., Vasconez F.J., Narvaez D.F., Silva C., Melian G., Caliro S., Kis B.M., Ionescu A., Hidalgo S. (2024). Results of the CO2 diffuse degassing survey from the 2017 IAVCEI CCVG 13th volcanic gas workshop: Pululahua dome complex, Ecuador. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 453, 108145.
Ricci L., Frondini F., Morgavi D., Vetuschi Zuccolini M., Boudoire G., Laumonier M., Caliro S., Cardellini C., Ionescu A., Ariano A., Chiodini G. (2024) CO2 flux from the French Massif Central groundwaters: modelling and quantitative estimation of the degassing process. Chemical Geology 652, 122012.
Sobolewski L., Hansteen T.H., Zorn E.U., Stenner C., Florea L.J., Burgess S.A., Ionescu A., Cartaya E., Pflitsch A. (2023). The evolving volcano-ice interactions of Crater Glacier, Mount St. Helens, Washington (USA). Bulletin of Volcanology 85 (4), 22.
Brad T., Bizic M., Ionescu D., Chiriac C.M., Kenesz M., Roba C., Ionescu A., Fekete A., Mirea I.C., Moldovan O.T. (2022). Potential for natural attenuation of domestic and agricultural pollution in karst groundwater environments. Water 14 (10), 1597.
Molnar K., Lahitte P., Dibacto S., Benko Zs., Agostini S., Donczo B., Ionescu A., Milevski I., Szikszai Z., Kertesz Zs., Temovski M. (2022). The westernmost Late Miocene-Pliocene volcanic activity in the Vardar Zone (N. Macedonia). International Journal of Earth Sciences 111 (3), 749-766.
Li Vigni L., Cardellini C., Temovski M., Ionescu A., Molnar K., Palcsu L., Gagliano A.L., Cappuzzo S., D’Alessandro W. (2022). Duvalo “volcano” (North Macedonia): A purely tectonic related CO2 degassing system. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 23 (4), e2021GC010198.
Randazzo P., Caracausi A., Aiuppa A., Cardellini C., Chiodini G., D’Alessandro W., Li Vigni L., Papic P., Marinkovic G., Ionescu A. (2021). Active degassing of deeply sourced fluids in central Europe: new evidences from a geochemical study in Serbia. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 22 (11), e2021GC010017.
Nicula A.M., Ionescu A., Pop I.C., Roba C., Forray F.L., Oraseanu I., Baciu C. (2021). Geochemical Features of the Thermal and Mineral Waters from the Apuseni Mountains (Romania). Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 648179.
Baricz A., Chiriac C.M., Andrei A.-S., Bulzu P.-A., Levei E.A., Cadar O., Battes K.P., Cimpean M., Senila M., Cristea A., Muntean V., Alexei M., Coman C., Szekeres E.K., Sicora C.I., Ionescu A., Blain D., O`Neill W.K., Edwards P., Hallsworth J.E., Banciu H.L. (2021). Spatio-temporal insights into microbiology of the freshwater-to-hypersaline, oxic-hypoxic-euxinic waters of Ursu Lake. Environmental Microbiology 23 (7), 3523-3540.
Cardace D., Bower D.J., Daniel I., Ionescu A., Mikhail S., Pistone M., Zahirovic S. (2020). Editorial: Deep Carbon Science. Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 551.
Kis B.M., Caracausi A., Palcsu L., Baciu C., Ionescu A., Futo I., Sciarra A., Harangi Sz. (2019). Noble gas and carbon isotope systematics at the seemingly inactive Ciomadul volcano (Eastern-Central Europe, Romania): evidence for volcanic degassing. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20 (6), 3019-3043.
Nicula A.-M., Ionescu A., Pop I.-C., Oraseanu I., Baciu C. (2019). Preliminary Considerations Regarding the Geothermal Potential in the Apuseni Mountains Area. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Ambientum, 64/2, 45-66.
Sarbu S.M., Aerts J.W., Flot J.-F., Van Spanning R.J.M., Baciu C., Ionescu A., Kis B.M., Incze R., Siko-Barabasi S., Para Z., Hegyeli B., Atudorei N.-V., Barr C., Nealson K.H., Forray F.L., Lascu C., Fleming E.J., Bitter W., Radu Popa R. (2018). Sulfur Cave (Romania), an extreme environment with microbial mats in a CO2-H2S/O2 gas chemocline dominated by mycobacteria. International Journal of Speleology 47(2), 173-187.
Baciu C., Ionescu A., Etiope G. (2018). Hydrocarbon seeps in Romania: gas origin and release to the atmosphere. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 89/1, 130-143.
Kis B.M., Ionescu A., Cardellini C., Harangi Sz., Baciu C., Caracausi A., Viveiros F. (2017). Quantification of carbon dioxide emissions of Ciomadul, the youngest volcano of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region (Eastern-Central Europe). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 341, 119-130.
Ionescu A., Burrato P., Baciu C., Etiope G., Kis B.-M. (2017). Inventory of Onshore Hydrocarbon Seeps in Romania (HYSED-RO Database). Geosciences MDPI, 7, 39.
Ionescu A., Baciu C., Kis B.-M., Sauer P.E. (2017). Evaluation of dissolved light hydrocarbons in different geological settings in Romania. Chemical Geology, 469, 230-245.
Italiano F., Kis B. M., Baciu C., Ionescu A., Harangi Sz., Palcsu L. (2017). Geochemistry of dissolved gases from the Eastern-Carpathians-Transylvanian Basin boundary. Chemical Geology, 469, 117-128.
Popita G.-E., Baciu C., Redey A., Frunzeti N., Ionescu A., Yuzhakova T., Popovici A. (2017). Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Municipal Solid Waste Management Systems in Cluj Country, Romania. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 16(1), 47-57.
Pop C.I., Ionescu A., Baciu C. (2015). Methane seepage from geologic sources on the Moldavian Platform (Eastern Romania). Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 1, 203-210.
Andrei A.S., Robeson M.S., Baricz A., Coman C., Muntean V., Ionescu A., Etiope G., Alexe M., Sicora C.I., Podar M., Banciu H.L. (2015). Contrasting taxonomic stratification of microbial communities in two hypersaline meromictic lakes. The ISME Journal 9, 2642-2656.
Popita G.-E., Frunzeti N., Ionescu A., Lazar A.L., Baciu C., Popovici A., Pop C., Faur V.C., Proorocu M. (2015). Evaluation of carbon dioxide and methane emission from Cluj-Napoca municipal landfill, Romania. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal Vol 14 Issue 6, 1389-1398.
Etiope G., Ionescu A. (2014). Low-temperature catalytic CO2 hydrogenation with geologic quantities of ruthenium: a possible abiotic CH4 source in chromitite-rich serpentinized rocks. Geofluids, 15/3, 438-452.
Ionescu A., Pop I.-C., Rosu C., Gurzau E.S., Neamtiu I. (2011). The exposure of primary school children to carbon monoxide, particulate matter and microclimate, from Alba county. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Ambientum, 56/1.
Czellecz B., Ionescu A., Kis B.M., Ravasz L. (2018). Carbon gas flux from the Dealul Melcului geological reserve (Corund, Romania). Air and Water Components of the Environment Conference Proceedings, 13-20.
Baciu C., Frunzeti N., Ionescu A., Etiope G., Costin D., Malos C. (2012). Geogenic gas emissions in Romania and their value for tourism. 12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference, SGEM 2012, Conference Proceedings, 439-446.
- Florea L., Stenner C., Burgess S., Sobolewski L., Pflitsch A., Paton M., Nadeau J., Ionescu A. (2022). Glaciovolcanic caves beyond Earth and the use of Earth’s glaciovolcanic caves as extra-planetary analogs.
BSc thesis “Hydrogeological characteristics of the mineral waters in the Eastern Carpathians” by Anita Szocs (in Romanian), Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2019.
MSc thesis “Geochemical evaluation of the mineral waters in Covasna city, Romania” by Anamaria Sarlea (in Romanian), Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2017.
BSc thesis “Geochemical evaluation of the mineral waters in the Middle Ciuc Basin, and quantification of the CO2 and CH4 emissions” by Attila Ferencz (in Hungarian), Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Department of Geology, 2017.
BSc thesis “Gas seepage investigations around Korund locality (CO2 and CH4)” by Levente Ravasz (in Hungarian), Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, 2017.