Breaking Gas

Cluj-Napoca - European Researchers Night

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From 27 to 30 September 2024, Romania hosted the European Researchers’ Night, a large-scale event that took place simultaneously in 21 localities, coordinated by the ReCoNnect consortium. The theme of this year’s edition, “Science for Peace and Security”, brought to the fore the role of research in creating a safer and more sustainable environment, through interactive experiments and discussions on complex topics, with the aim of bringing science closer to the community and encouraging young people to get involved in research.

In Cluj-Napoca, the events took place on the 30th of September, at the Casino - Urban Cultural Center, where the public could interact directly with researchers and witness innovative scientific experiments. Both children and adults had the opportunity to discover how science contributes to improving everyday life, through captivating demonstrations and innovative projects.

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The groups activity was called “Breaking Gas”, in which the public could have a glimpse on what volcanic gases are, how are they sampled both from the surface and from the seabed! Also they could discover what we can learn from these samples, from the surface and from under the water and how these gases give us clues about volcanic activity.

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